What type of fence should you build?
“What type of fence should I build?” was the prevalent question from attendees at the Weekend Farmer’s Workshop where GNS Rural Services’ Stuart Redfern, provided eager participants with a practical introduction to rural fencing.
Held on Saturday 24 February, 2018 and hosted by the Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the event provided landholders access to a variety of information sessions and practical demonstrations on a range of topics to assist with managing their property, including rural fencing, weed control, irrigation, biosecurity basics, managing healthy pastures, permaculture and much more.

So, what is the answer to the aforementioned question? Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution when building a rural fence. There are however several factors to consider when deciding on the composition of a fence line for your property –
Is the fence an internal or boundary fence?
Are you trying to keep livestock on your property OR pest animal species off your property?
What livestock do you run on your property?
Are your soils highly acidic?
What is your budget?
Are you trying to achieve a particular aesthetic?
The response to each of these factors influences the configuration of the fence and the materials we use to construct the fence line. Where feasible, however, we encourage our clients to utilise Australian made products for a more durable, longer lasting and superior finish to the fence.